Month: July 2016

Chicken Fajita Lettuce Wraps

Chicken Fajita Lettuce Wraps

Dinner tonight was going to be chicken skewers done on our new BBQ, but the Great British Summer had other ideas!  Not the nicest of evenings so I had a quick re-think and settled on chicken fajitas (done in lettuce wraps for me – tortillas for 

Smoothie Bowls

Smoothie Bowls

These have become a sort of obsession of mine recently.  Every other photo on Instagram (follow me at emmaeatsandexplores) seems to be of some beautifully presented concoction topped with chia or cacao nibs or sliced fruit and they really are, works of art.  Deciding to 

Date Night on Charlotte Street

Date Night on Charlotte Street

This month it was my turn to be treated to date night and Dan had planned a surprise evening for me – I prefer not to know where we’re going until the last minute, whereas he likes to pick where he goes!  I guess he 

Pear, Prosciutto & Goat’s Cheese Salad

Pear, Prosciutto & Goat’s Cheese Salad

Tonight I fancied a salad, and having pears to use up I wanted one that would incorporate them.  Normally I’d turn to my old fail-safe: Pear, Blue Cheese and Walnut salad, but tonight I decided to try something different.  I love the combination of salty 

Fish Cafe, Hampstead, London

Fish Cafe, Hampstead, London

90 mins of Power Yoga left me aching in a good way and wanting to do some more exercise.  We had plans to meet Dan’s family tonight in Hampstead for dinner, so we decided to walk there as all in all it would probably be 

Scrambled Eggs with Chorizo & Avocado

Scrambled Eggs with Chorizo & Avocado

This morning’s breakfast came about because I wanted to use a piece of my Grain Free Bread!  I looked through the fridge and decided to make a chorizo scramble to top the bread with.  A bit more exciting and tasty than traditional scrambled eggs, but 

Kale, Roasted Broccoli & Almond Salad with Lemon Dressing

Kale, Roasted Broccoli & Almond Salad with Lemon Dressing

Tonight I decided to give the new-to-me method of massaging kale a go.  Loving other people’s food blogs and keeping up with the foodie world, it’s something I’ve seen talked about a lot recently but never had a go at myself.  My go-to method of 

Henley Regatta

Henley Regatta

Saturday was Girls Day Out!  A day at Henley Regatta with Josephine, JiaJia and Mandy.  I hadn’t been before and the weather looked like it would hold, so a day out in the country, by the river sounded like a great idea. I met Josephine 

Great Northern Wine Tasting

Great Northern Wine Tasting

You can read about other Great Northern Experiences at Great Northern Dinner, Great Northern Wine tasting & Food Pairing Evening, Great Northern Beer Festival Tonight I’d been summoned to the Great Northern Pub for a wine-tasting session for the new menu and dinner afterwards.  The 

A Beach Blanket Babylon Birthday, Notting Hill

A Beach Blanket Babylon Birthday, Notting Hill

Birthday Month Continues!!!  And tonight I was getting treated to a birthday dinner out by my friends Wioletta, Fiona and Robin.  The destination had been kept from me for weeks but I’d finally been let in on the secret – we were going to Beach Blanket 

Moroccan Spiced Lamb Burgers with Spiralised Cucumber Salad & Tzatziki

Moroccan Spiced Lamb Burgers with Spiralised Cucumber Salad & Tzatziki

After a few days having eaten mainly fish – Dan was asking for something a bit meatier.  I thought lamb burgers were slightly more summery than beef burgers and I could freshen them up with the tzatziki to make them less heavy so I went about 

Salmon, Dill & Celeriac Fishcakes

Salmon, Dill & Celeriac Fishcakes

Tonight we had a bit of time on our hands so decided to do a dinner that took a bit more effort.  Fishcakes to me always seem to involve so many components (cooking the fish, cooking the celeriac (potatoes usually) combining everything and then re-cooking