Recipe Ingredient Conversion Calculator

Recipe Ingredient Conversion Calculator

What makes more sense to you? Cups or grams?  I’m from the UK and until I started food blogging I’d never even heard of cups! Pretty hard to believe I’m sure if you live in America!  We just don’t use them over here in the UK.  Everything is grams and kilograms (and if your recipe book is really old, sometimes it’s even pounds and ounces!). And your oven, do you set it to Celsius or Fahrenheit?  scales and ingredients

It’s a minefield out there for food bloggers – I never know which measurement to use when I’m writing my recipes.  My audience is international and I want to make things as easy for them in the kitchen as possible.  I try to offer both options if it’s a baking recipe i.e. cups and grams but it adds a lot of work.

I love trying recipes out from all over the world.  I used to find it super frustrating when I couldn’t work out how much of the ingredients to use.  So much so that I’ve bought myself a set of measuring cups and I now do use them all the time – especially when trying out some of the amazing recipes out there from American food bloggers.  But what if you don’t want to buy all new measuring equipment for your kitchen?Measuring Cups

I was so please when reached out to me with their Recipe Ingredient Conversion CalculatorIt does all the hard work for you.  If an ingredient in the recipe is in a format you don’t tend to cook with, just enter the amount choose the measurement that’s right for you.

You simply put in the amount of the ingredient in the recipe and then from the drop-down menu you select the format it’s in in the recipe and what you need it changed to!  For example, 100ml of olive oil is the same as 1/2 cup (but then you knew that right?  Nope, me neither!). Or 1tsp is the equivalent of 5ml!measuring jug with oil

It also has some helpful conversion charts so you can see at a quick glance the equivalent Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures.  And a chart for converting pounds and ounces to grams and kilograms!  There’s everything you need to make cooking a recipe that much easier.

Any time you come across something you don’t know you can just plug it into this handy little conversion tool and it will do all the hard work for you!  Try it out today and bookmark it on your desktop for any time you need a bit of extra help in the kitchen!Cooking - cutting red pepper

Thanks to for collaborating with me on this post – I hope their Conversion Calculator helps a lot of you out!