Tag: Restaurant

Puglia – Dinner in Polignano A Mare

Puglia – Dinner in Polignano A Mare

If you like Dinner in Polignano A Mare read more at:  Puglia Day 1, Puglia Day 2, Puglia Day 3, Puglia Day 4 I’d been desperate to visit Puglia (the heel of the boot of Italy) for a while now after hearing how beautiful and 

Madrid (Day 3)

Madrid (Day 3)

Catch up on Madrid Day 1, Madrid Day 2 This morning was our last in Madrid, and we decided to do what most Madrilenos do on a Sunday morning which is head to the El Rastro, flea market to wander around the stalls in the sunshine.  We 

Madrid (Day 2)

Madrid (Day 2)

Catch up on Madrid Day 1, Madrid Day 3 Apologies for the extremely long post yesterday, but we did so much and I didn’t want to leave anything out.  Hopefully, today’s will be a bit more concise!… Another absolutely gorgeous day and this morning the plan was to 

German Gymnasium

German Gymnasium

Our friend Craig turned 40 recently and had a big party whilst we were in Tarifa.  We were gutted to miss it so decided to throw him a surprise dinner with another friend, Laura, to make up for it.  He’d been wanting to try the 

HUSH Restaurant, Mayfair, London – Birthday Treat for Melissa

HUSH Restaurant, Mayfair, London – Birthday Treat for Melissa

Today was Melissa’s birthday, one of my best friends, and as she works round the corner from me I decided to treat her to lunch at a restaurant of her choice.  She chose HUSH Restaurant, Mayfair London.  A restaurant in Lancashire Court with a pretty little 

Ciao Bella Birthday

Ciao Bella Birthday

Every year for our birthdays, everyone in my family gets to pick a special restaurant that they want to go to and we all go out for dinner.  Well I’m about to be 32 in a couple of weeks and I still hadn’t had my 

Tarifa Day 4 – A Day Trip to Malaga

Tarifa Day 4 – A Day Trip to Malaga

If you like A Day Trip to Malaga you should catch up on: Tarifa Day 1, Kitesurfing in Tarifa Day 2, Kiteboarding in Tarifa Day 3 Waking up this morning we had two choices.  With a very late night flight to catch from Malaga this 

Dinner at The Great Northern Pub, St Albans

Dinner at The Great Northern Pub, St Albans

So I should probably start this post with a disclaimer.  My boyfriend, Dan, co-owns this pub, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let him off lightly!  All opinions are my own and this is an honest account of Dinner at the Great Northern Pub