The Great Northern Beer Festival

This weekend, the Great Northern Pub was hosting a 3-day beer festival and despite not being a beer drinker myself, it was going to be a big party so we headed to St Albans to spend the afternoon there. We’d just had a lovely brunch at Granger & Co in Kings Cross, London so we hopped on the train for 20 minutes and walked the short walk to the Great Northern.
We arrived to a pretty packed out beer garden! This was the first nice sunny day we’d had in a while and people were definitely making the most of it. Some friends were already there so we packed ourselves onto their table, and while the others started on the beer, I opted for the Hendricks & Slimline!
That really is the only way to serve a G&T! In a big goblet glass with plenty of ice and fresh cucumber. Really refreshing in the heat and much better than a beer!! Chatting away and catching up with everyone, more of our friends arrived soon after, the atmosphere was great!
There were lots of ales on offer and a few ciders and at only £1.50 for half a pint, everyone was definitely getting stuck in and trying a few different ones out. There was a score sheet aswell and I think the most popular one is going to get a regular spot on the pub’s beer taps! I’m reliably informed that the beers were great, but due to my gluten intolerance it’s not really an option for me – not that I’m that bothered, I’m definitely more of a wine girl! There were plenty of Camra (Campaign for real Ale) members in attendance though and they seemed pretty pleased with the selection on offer!

They also had live music on all afternoon which was pretty cool. Matt did a set on his guitar singing chill out versions of Indie songs and then there was a local folk band that played for a couple of hours aswell.
Although a big beer fan, by this point Matilda had reached her beer limit (it’s the volume of liquid that’s so prohibitive) so we ordered a glass of prosecco each. Much more our style!

Hungry by this time (and needing some food to soak up a bit of the alcohol), we took a look at the BBQ menu. There were plenty of interesting options from the GN Burger to the Fish Parcel and we ordered the mixed veggie skewer with halloumi. Absolutely delicious and perfect to take the edge off of our hunger as we were heading to Dan’s mum’s house for a BBQ and garden party that evening. Finally I ordered my go-to sundowner drink, a Campari Spritz which came served beautifully!!
A fabulous day out and a great event put on by The Great Northern – everyone had a really lovely time and thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.
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