3-Ingredient Salted Nut Brittle

After the success of my no-sugar Coconut Ice, I decided to have another go at making a different sweet that I used to love as a child – Peanut Brittle. I knew it would be impossible to get the crunch of a peanut brittle without adding sugar but I figured that the Coconut Ice worked so well in the freezer, that maybe I could make a Freezer Nut Brittle. This recipe is not diet friendly just to warn you!! Plenty of honey and butter but that’s what makes it taste so good!! However, it is so easy to make and comes together in about 5mins (but then you have to wait for it to freeze before you can eat it – grrr 🙁 )
I started by heating the honey and butter together in a saucepan over a low heat until the honey had completely melted. Then I turned the heat up so that the mixture started to bubble and foam (see the picture for what it should look like). You want to get this as hot as possible, which will help the final brittle ‘set’ a bit more, but you don’t want it to burn. 2-3mins of bubbling should be fine, but stir it occasionally to check that it’s not burning.
Then it’s time to add the nuts. I prefer to use roasted and salted nuts as it cuts out an extra step, but you could roast them yourself and add a sprinkling of salt to the top of the finished product before it goes in the freezer if you like (or leave it out altogether, although I’m a big fan of the salty/sweet flavour combination). All you do is stir the nuts through the honey and butter mixture and it’s ready!
Pour the brittle out onto a baking parchment lined tin (I used one that is 9×13 ins but any tin will do, your brittle will just be thicker or thinner, depending on the size.) Make sure you smooth it out so it goes in all the corners and then all you do is put it in the freezer (making sure that it’s flat or all the brittle will run to one edge of the tin).
It’s done when the honey/butter mixture has firmed up and turned translucent. At this point you can turn the whole piece out onto a chopping board and cut it into squares with a sharp knife. You have to work quite quickly or it will start becoming more gooey.
You need to keep this in the freezer as it goes chewy very quickly and beware, it is super-sweet, you only need a tiny bit!! It turns into a type of toffee if left out for a few minutes which is also delicious, but can get messy!! Dan loved this and he doesn’t even like sweet things normally so I’m pretty sure this recipe is a winner!!
Is there an actual recipe with ingredient amounts?
In the first image darla!
Is there any way to make this recipe less sweet? Maybe substitute part of the honey to another ingredient? Thanks for any suggestions!
Hi Suzanne, you could maybe stir some nut butter through the mix in place of some of the honey – not sure if it would work, but it might be an option for you! Let me know if you try it!