My story – All about Emma Eats & Explores!

Who is Emma Eats & Explores?
A little bit about me and my story and why I started Emma Eats & Explores.
30-something and living in London, sitting at my desk, dreaming of travelling to far-flung places is how I spend most of my days – when I’m not thinking about what I’m going to eat and drink next!
I love food, wine, friends, and seeing new places. I hate the cold and my happy place is anywhere where the sun is shining and I can be wearing flip-flops.
I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition a few years ago (Systemic Lupus Erythamatosus) which made me rethink my health. Through research, I realised that my body reacts badly to grains, starches and sugar. I love to eat healthily and now create healthier versions of some of my old favourites (think pizza/pasta/bread). I was a serious carb monster. Strictly self-taught I love playing around in the kitchen. I enjoy seeing what new ideas I can come up with as well as trying recipes from the multitude of cookbooks on my kitchen shelf. Pescatarian for 16 years, I recently introduced meat back into my diet so I’m slowly learning how to cook all over again. Everything’s better with bacon!
I’ve always been interested in wine and recently I’ve done a WSET wine course. Good food and good wine are huge passions of mine. Eating out is one of my favourite things to do and I love discovering new restaurants that cater to my medical diet.
My family is the most important thing in my life and anytime spent with them is my favourite way to spend a day. My nephews and nieces are the lights of my life and I can’t get enough of them all.
I like to be active and love working up a sweat in BODYPUMP, Yoga, Bootcamp or any other classes. I’m trying to get back into my running after a hip injury so that’s next on the agenda for training. I also love to walk and hike. I try to walk everywhere (as long as it’s not too cold or wet, which seems to be the case most of the time in the UK!)
Growing up in the Essex countryside, I’m a country girl at heart. Now I live in London and am enjoying everything that city life has to offer. I love to be outdoors when the weather is nice. When it’s cold, I’m happiest curled up inside, under a blanket in front of the fire.
The beach and the sunshine make me happy and I fully adhere to the idea that unless your barefoot, you’re definitely overdressed! My favourite place in the world is Portugal and I’m never happier than when I’m there.

Hopefully you’ve learned a little bit more about my story! Join me on my journey of eating and exploring! Come along for the ride with Emma Eats & Explores!